ArchaeoTek’s Scientific Contributions
Barbu, Marius G., Ioan Alexandru Bărbat, Gică Băeştean, Ioana Lucia Barbu, Mihaela-Maria Barbu, Daniel-Costin Tutuianu, Antoniu Tudor Marc, Angelica Bălos, Andre Gonciar, and Alexander Brown. 2019. “Raport preliminar privind cercetările arheologice de la Rapoltu Mare-La Vie, campania 2017/ Preliminary Report regarding the Archaeological Research from Rapoltu Mare-La Vie, 2017 Campaign.” Banatica 29:81-94.
Barbu, Marius G., Ioan Alexandru Bărbat, Gică Băeştean, Angelica Bălos, Andre Gonciar, and Alexander Brown. 2016. “Raport preliminar privind cercetarile arheologice de la Rapoltu Mare-La Vie, campanile 2013-2015/Archaeological Research at Rapoltu Mare-La Vie, Campaigns 2013-2015. Preliminary Report.” Banatica 26:273-321.
Barbu, Marius G., Ioan Alexandru Bărbat, Daniel-Costin Tutuianu, Ioana Lucia Barbu, Andre Gonciar, Angelica Balos. 2019. “Fibule romane descoperite în situl Rapoltu Mare-La Vie, jud. Hunedoara/Roman Fibulae Discovered in Rapoltu Mare-La Vie, Hunedoara County.” Terra Sebus 11:245-264.
Barbu, Marius G, and Andre Gonciar. 2019. “O statuetă romană din bronz reprezentându-l pe Mercurius – Hermes-Thot descoperită în villa de la Rapoltu Mare, jud. Hunedoara/Une statuette romaine en bronze de Mercure –Hermès-Thot découverte dans la villa de Rapoltu Mare, Département de Hunedoara.” Sargetia 10(46):77-86.
Barbu, Marius G, and Mihai Sasarman. 2018. "A Roman Roof Tile Fragment with Inscription Discovered at Rapoltu Mare – La Vie, Hunedoara County." In Iosif Vasile Ferencz, Oana Tutilă, and Nicolae Cătălin Rişcuţa (eds.), Representations, Signs and Symbols. Proceedings of the Symposium on Life and Daily Life, Cluj-Napoca: Editura Mega, pp. 79-84.
Bethard, Jonathan D., Timothy J. Ainger, Andre Gonciar, and Zsolt Nyaradi. In Preparation. “Surviving (but not thriving) after Cranial Vault Trauma: a Case Study from Transylvania.” Invited manuscript to be submitted to International Journal of Paleopathology. Currently under review by special issue editors.
Bethard, Jonathan D., Anna J. Osterholtz, Zsolt Nyaradi, and Andre Gonciar. 2019. “Marginalized Motherhood: Infant Burial in 17th Century Transylvania.” In Cristina I. Tica and Debra L. Martin (eds.), Bioarchaeology of Frontiers and Borderlands. Gainseville: University of Florida Press, pp. 252-272.
Bethard, Jonathan D., Anna J. Osterholtz, Zsolt Nyaradi, and Andre Gonciar. 2014. “A Bioarchaeological Study of Childhood Mortality in 17th Century Transylvania”. Conference Paper. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 153:78.
Georgescu, Adrian, and Andre Gonciar. 2007. “Un mormant Noua descoperit la Valea Viilor (jud. Sibiu) / A Noua Culture Grave Found at Valea Viilor, Sibiu County.” Acta Musei Brukenthal 1(1):21-30.
Gonciar, Andre. In Preparation. Late Iron Age “Dacian” Landscapes of Power. Book submitted for review.
Gonciar, Andre. 2017. “The Dacians in the Digital Age: a Critical Introduction to a Late Iron Age Transylvania GIS Approaches”. In Paul Pavel and Ovidiu Savu (Eds.), Studia in honorem Florea Costea: la 80-a aniversare. Brasov: Editura Foton, pp. 103-110.
Gonciar, Andre. 2007. “Structural Considerations regarding the Fortifications of the Dacian Fortress on Catanas Hill (Tilisca, Sibiu County).” Acta Musei Brukenthal 2(1):119-130.
Gonciar, Andre. 2003. “Le « paganisme chrétien » en Occident à la veille de la Réforme. Eléments de synthèse: polythéisme et fétichisme dans la religion populaire: Le culte des saints et des reliques.” Corviniana - Acta Musei Corviniensis 7:119-128.
Gonciar, Andre, Adrian Georgescu, and Mircea Lazar. 2007. “Stratigraphic Structural Considerations regarding the Petreşti Settlement of Mosna - Pe tabla, Sibiu County.” Acta Musei Brukenthal 2(1):40-62.
Gonciar, Andre, and Stephen Batiuk. 2003. “Elements of Geomorphology and Digital Topography of the Apoldu de Jos Tumular Complexes / Geomorfologie si topografie digitala a sitului Gorgan, Apoldul de Jos.” Acta Terrae Septemcastrensis 2:95-103.
Marc, Antoniu Tudor, Ioana Lucia Barbu, Daniel Costin Tutuianu, Marius Gheorghe Barbu, Ionuţ Cosmin Codrea, Mihaela Maria Barbu, Cristina Bodo, Anna Osterholtz, Andre Gonciar. 2016. “A Multiple Burial in the Wietenberg Settlement at Şoimuş–Lângă Sat, Hunedoara County”. Settlements of Life and Death. Studies from Prehistory to Middle Ages. Proceedings of the International Colloquium Tulcea, 25-28 of May, 2016. Cluj Napoca: Editura Tulcea, pp. 165-190.
Miller, Heidi, Jean Louise Lammie, Liotta Noche-Dowdy, Zsolt Nyaradi, Andre Gonciar, and Jonathan D. Bethard. 2020. “Differential Diagnosis of Calcified Nodules from a Medieval Székely Burial from Transylvania.” International Journal of Paleopathology 28:42-47.
Miller, Jeremy C. 2016. "Preserving the Dacian Landscape: Documenting Roman and Dacian Military Fortifications in Romania." In Steven D. Smith, ed., Preserving Fields of Confict: Papers on the 2014 Fields of Conflct Conference and Preservation Workshop, pp. 31-38.
Morris, Isabel M., Branko Glisic, and Andre Gonciar. 2018. “Archaeological Ground Penetrating Radar Surveys Under Variable Soil Moisture: Visual and Numerical Results”. Conference Paper. Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR).
Morris, Isabel, Julia Cleary, Andre Gonciar, and Branko Glisic. 2019. “Ground Penetrating Radar Investigation of Corvin Castle (Castelul Corvinilor), Hunedoara, Romania.” Heritage 2(2):1316-1349.
Osterholtz, Anna, Jonathan D. Bethard, Andre Gonciar, and Zsolt Nyaradi. “Perinatal Scurvy and Rickets in 17th Century Transylvania.” Manuscript submitted to International Journal of Paleopathology.
Osterholtz, Anna, Virginia Lucas, Claira Ralston, Andre Gonciar, and Angelica Balos. “Mortuary Practices in the First Iron Age Romanian Frontier: the Commingled Assemblages of the Magura Uroiului”. In Cristina I. Tica and Debra L. Martin (eds.), Bioarchaeology of Frontiers and Borderlands. Gainseville: University of Florida Press, pp. 233-251.
Purece, Silviu I., Cristian Roman, Dragos Diaconescu, and Andre Gonciar. 2001. “Descoperirile monetare pe santierul de la Hunedoara – punctele Sacristia capelei si Gradina castelului ; campania 2001.” Acta Terrae Septemcastrensis 1:165-170.
Reck, Sophia I, Jose L Marrero-Rosado, Robert E Mitchell, Meaghan J Champney, Johanna E Young, Marla Barreiro Sanchez, Andre Gonciar, Zsolt Nyaradi, and Frankie West. 2020. “Preliminary Analysis of the Commingled Ossuary at Bradesti (Fenyed), Harghita County, Transylvania, Romania”. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 171:229-230.
Voas, Maddeline R., Kristina Killgrove, Robert H. Tykot, Zsolt Nyaradi, Andre Gonciar, and Jonathan D. Bethard. In Review. “Childhood in the Carpathians: An Isotopic Analysis of Childhood Diet and Weaning in an Ethnically Hungarian Medieval Transylvanian Village.” Manuscript submitted to Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports.
Whitlow, Raymond B.. 2010. "A Preliminary Report of the Geographic Information Systems Research at the Site of Pauleni Ciuc, Harghita County, Romania". Angustia 14:413-426.
Whitlow, Raymond B., Valeri Kavruk, Dan-Lucian Buzea, and Bjorn Briewig. 2013. "Radiocarbon Data from the Cucuteni-Ariusd levels at Pauleni-Ciuc (Ciomortan) “Dambul Cetatii”, Harghita County (Romania)". Acta Terrae Septemcastrensis 12:37-64.
Whitlow, Raymond B., Valeri Kavruk, Dan-Lucian Buzea, and Bjorn Briewig. 2014. "Datări radiocarbon aparținând locuirii Cucuteni-Ariuşd de la Păuleni-Ciuc - „Dâmbul Cetăţii” jud. Harghita". Angustia 17-18:95-106.
Zejdlik, Katie, Jonathan D. Bethard, Zsolt Nyárádi, and Andre Gonciar. 2019. “Interpreting the Oral Condition in Medieval European Populations from a Bioarchaeological Perspective.” Dental Anthropology 32(2):77-81.
Zejdlik, Katie, Andre Gonciar, Jonathan D. Bethard, and Zsolt Nyárádi. “Investigating a Medieval Church and Cemetery (Valeni-Papdomb, Harghita County).” Acta Musei Napocensis 57(2):143-173
Zejdlik, Katie, Zsolt Nyaradi, and Andre Gonciar. 2021. “Evidence of Horsemanship in Two Szekler Noblemen from the Baroque Period”. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 31(1):66-76