ArchaeoTek’s Scientific Contributions
From staff, students and volunteers, as their research topics unfold:
ArchaeoTek Conference Sessions
Conference Presentations and Posters - USA and Canada
Conference Presentations and Posters - Romania
Official Excavation Reports
ArchaeoTek Conference Sessions
Bethard, J., A. Gonciar, and Zs. Nyaradi (Colloquium Organizers). 2013. First International Student Colloquium on Osteology and Bioarchaeology. Session I and II. Haáz Rezső Múzeum, Odorheiu Secuiesc (Harghita, România).
Bethard, J., A. Gonciar, and Zs. Nyaradi (Colloquium Organizers). 2014. Second International Student Colloquium on Osteology and Bioarchaeology. Session I: Adult Osteology and II: Juvenile Osteology. Haáz Rezső Múzeum, Odorheiu Secuiesc (Harghita, România).
Bethard, J., A. Gonciar, and Zs. Nyaradi (Colloquium Organizers). 2015. Third International Student Colloquium on Osteology and Bioarchaeology. Session I: Adult Osteology and II: Juvenile Osteology. Haáz Rezső Múzeum, Odorheiu Secuiesc (Harghita, România).
Bethard, J., A. Gonciar, and Zs. Nyaradi (Colloquium Organizers). 2016. Fourth International Student Colloquium on Osteology and Bioarchaeology. Session I: Adult Osteology and II: Juvenile Osteology. Haáz Rezső Múzeum, Odorheiu Secuiesc (Harghita, România).
Osterholtz, A., V. Lucas, A. Gonciar, and A. Balos (Colloquium Organizers). 2015. Third International Student Colloquium on Osteology and Bioarchaeology. Session III: Commingled Remains. Museum of Dacian and Roman Civilization, Rapoltu Mare (Hunedoara, România).
Osterholtz, A., C. Ralston, A. Gonciar, and Zs. Nyaradi (Colloquium Organizers). 2016. Fourth International Student Colloquium on Osteology and Bioarchaeology. Session III: Pathology. Haáz Rezső Múzeum, Odorheiu Secuiesc (Harghita, România).
Gonciar, A. (Session Organizer). 2012. New Perspectives in Transylvanian Archaeology Session, Theoretical Archaeology Group Conference, State University of New York (S.U.N.Y.) at Buffalo (New York, USA).
Ibarra, A., and A. Gonciar (Session Organizers). 2014. Composing Unity and Subverting Sovereignty in Iron-Age & Roman Dacia Session. Archaeological Institute of America Conference. Chicago (Illinois, USA).
Conference Presentations and Posters - USA and Canada
Bailey, S.L, S.B. Kondor, J. Bethard, Z Nyaradi, and A. Gonciar. 2016. A probable case of rheumatoid arthritis from medieval Transylvania. Poster Session: Skeletal Biology: Violence, Trauma and Disease. 85th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Atlanta (Georgia, USA).
Bethard, J. 2014. From Infants to Elders: Developing Bioarchaeology at Extremes of the Human Lifespan. Keynote Lecture. 4th Annual Meeting of the Bioarchaeologists' Northeast Regional Dialogue. Ithaca College, Ithaca (N.Y., USA).
Bethard, J., A.J. Osterholtz, A. Gonciar, and Zs. Nyaradi. 2014. Of Infants and Elderly: a Bioarchaeological Analysis of a 17th Century Mortuary Context from Transylvania, Romania. Bioarchaeology Session. 79th Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Austin (Texas, USA).
Bethard, J., A.J. Osterholtz, A. Gonciar, and Zs. Nyaradi. 2014. A Bioarchaeological Study of Childhood Mortality in 17th Century Transylvania (Romania). Poster Session. Bioarchaeology: Childhood, population Dynamics, and Cranial Changes. 83rd Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Calgary (Canada).
Bethard, J., A.J. Osterholtz, Zs. Nyaradi, and A. Gonciar. 2016. Infants and Elders: A Bioarchaeological Investigation of a Reform Church in Hungarian Transylvania. Archaeology Session: Giving New Meaning to Cultural Heritage: The Old and the Young in Past Societies. 22nd Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists, Vilnius (Lithuania).
Bethard, J., A.J. Osterholtz, Zs. Zyaradi, and A. Gonciar. 2016. Marginalized Motherhood: Infant Burial in 17th Century Transylvania. Symposium: The Bioarchaeology of Frontier and Borderlands. 81st Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Orlando (Florida, USA).
Brown, A., and A. Gonciar. 2012. Dacians and the Sense of Place: Settlement Abandonment, Settlement Hierarchy and Tribal Identity. New Perspectives in Transylvanian Archaeology Session. Theoretical Archaeology Group Conference, S.U.N.Y. at Buffalo (New York, USA).
Brown, A. and A. Gonciar. 2014. Power, Fear and Identity: The Role of “Place” in Dacian-Roman Interactions. Composing Unity and Subverting Sovereignty in Iron-Age & Roman Dacia Session. Archaeological Institute of America Conference. Chicago (Illinois, USA).
Costea, Fl., A. Balos, and A. Gonciar. 2012. The Interactions Between the Dacians and the Classical World, From Burebista to the Dacian Conquest: From History to (arti)Fact. New Perspectives in Transylvanian Archaeology Session. Theoretical Archaeology Group Conference, S.U.N.Y. at Buffalo (New York, USA).
Costea, Fl., A. Balos, and A. Gonciar. 2014. Romans…A Dacian Perspective! Composing Unity and Subverting Sovereignty in Iron-Age & Roman Dacia Session. Archaeological Institute of America Conference. Chicago (Illinois, USA).
Dimancescu, D., and N. Dimancescu. 2012. From Cave Bear to Dacian Fortresses: A Visual Essay. Video Presentation. New Perspectives in Transylvanian Archaeology Session. Theoretical Archaeology Group Conference, S.U.N.Y. at Buffalo (New York, USA).
Filipek-Ogden, K.L. 2011. Long Bone Bowing Deformities in the Noua Populations of Bronze Age Transylvania. Skeletal Biology and Bioarcheology Session. 39th Annual Meeting for the Canadian Association of Physical Anthropologists. Université de Montréal (Montréal, Canada).
Filipek-Ogden, K.L. 2012. Differential Diagnoses in the pathologies of the Noua Populations. Poster Session. Thirty-ninth Annual Palaeopathology Association Conference. Portland, (Oregon, USA).
Filipek-Ogden, K.L., and S. Gloux. 2012. Ain’t No Sunshine: Pathological Links to the Potential Adaptive. Strategies of the Noua Population of the Transylvanian Bronze Age. New Perspectives in Transylvanian Archaeology Session. Theoretical Archaeology Group Conference, S.U.N.Y. at Buffalo (New York, USA).
Gloux, S. 2012. The Noua on Horses? Rethinking the Hypothesis of a Horseback Riding Culture. Poster Session. The 81st Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists. Portland (Oregon, USA).
Gloux, S., and A. Gonciar. 2009. Integrating DNA Analyses to Bioarchaeology and Physical Anthropology Studies. The Potential Benefits in Approaching Unknown Populations: the Noua Culture (Romania). Bioarchaeology Posters, Canadian Association for Physical Anthropology Meeting, Simon Frasier University, Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada).
Gloux, S., and A. Gonciar. 2009. Applying DNA to Bioarchaeology Studies, A Case Study: the Noua Culture (Romania). DNA Studies and Historical Archaeology Session. Council for Northeast Historical Archaeology Conference, Université Laval, Quebec (Quebec, Canada).
Gloux, S., and A. Gonciar. 2010. Integrating DNA Analyses to Bioarchaeology and Physical Anthropology Studies. The Potential Benefits in Approaching Unknown Populations: the Noua Culture (Romania). European Bronze Age Session. 76th Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, St. Louis (Missouri, USA).
Gloux, S., and A. Gonciar. 2011. Investigation of Late Bronze Age Populations in Transylvania. Mortuary Analysis: Methods and Interpretation Session. 77th Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Sacramento (California, USA).
Gloux, S., and A. Gonciar. 2011. Insights into the investigation of Late Bronze Age Populations in Transylvania. Skeletal Biology and Bioarcheology Session. 39th Annual Meeting for the Canadian Association of Physical Anthropologists. Université de Montréal (Montréal, Canada).
Gloux, S., S. McGrath, and E. Green. 2012. Were the LBA (Transylvania, Romania) Noua people riding horses? New evidence on a long wrongfully ascertained behavior. Europe after the Neolithic Session. 78th Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology , Memphis (Tennessee, USA).
Gloux, S., S. McGrath, and E. Green. 2012. Demystifying a Wrongful Assumption: Horseback Riding in the Late Bronze Age Noua Populations in Transylvania. New Perspectives in Transylvanian Archaeology Session. Theoretical Archaeology Group Conference, S.U.N.Y. at Buffalo (New York, USA).
Gonciar, A. 2009. Excavating the Invisible: Recognizing Emotion in the Archaeological Record. Institute of European and Mediterranean Archaeology Lecture.
Gonciar, A. 2010. Extracting Emotion: Funeral Behavior during the Late Bronze Age in Romania. European Bronze Age Session. 76th Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, St. Louis (Missouri, USA).
Gonciar, A. 2010. The Materiality of Emotion: Re-Conceptualizing the Archaeological Subject. A Theoretical Perspective. Worlds of Immateriality Session. Theoretical Archaeology Group, Brown University, Providence (Rhode Island, USA).
Gonciar, A. 2011. Image and Identity: Being Cool in Transylvania (Romania) during the Middle Bronze Age. The Archaeology of Imagery Session. Theoretical Archaeology Group Conference, Berkley University (California, USA).
Gonciar, A. 2011. Practices of Change, Change of Practices: the Middle Bronze Age to Late Bronze Age Transition in Transylvania (Romania). Power, Conflict and Ritual in Eurasia Session. 77th Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Sacramento (California, USA).
Gonciar, A. 2012. Introductory Remarks: The Colonizing Power of Theory. New Perspectives in Transylvanian Archaeology Session. Theoretical Archaeology Group Conference, S.U.N.Y. at Buffalo (New York, USA).
Gonciar, A. 2012. When the East meets the West: Negotiating Culture History Trajectories in Romania. New Perspectives in Transylvanian Archaeology Session. Theoretical Archaeology Group Conference, S.U.N.Y. at Buffalo (New York, USA).
Gonciar, A. (Session Organizer), 2012. New Perspectives in Transylvanian Archaeology. Theoretical Archaeology Group Conference, S.U.N.Y. at Buffalo (New York, USA).
Gonciar, A. 2014. Reassessing Hegemonies in Late Iron Age Transylvania. Composing Unity and Subverting Sovereignty in Iron-Age & Roman Dacia Session. Archaeological Institute of America Conference. Chicago (Illinois, USA).
Gonciar, A., and A. Georgescu, 2012, Gold Trajectories in Transylvania during the Late Neolithic: The Petresti Gold. New Perspectives in Transylvanian Archaeology Session. Theoretical Archaeology Group Conference, S.U.N.Y. at Buffalo (New York, USA).
Ibarra, A. 2014. The Evolution of Roman Encampments in Southern Dacia: An Analysis of Roman Operations and Military Fortifications along the Upper Olt River Valley. Composing Unity and Subverting Sovereignty in Iron-Age & Roman Dacia Session. Archaeological Institute of America Conference. Chicago (Illinois, USA).
Ibarra, A., and A. Gonciar (Session Organizers). 2014. Composing Unity and Subverting Sovereignty in Iron-Age & Roman Dacia Session. Archaeological Institute of America Conference. Chicago (Illinois, USA).
Illsley, W. 2012. Axeheads and Elites: The Role of Metallurgy in the Development of Elite Society in Bronze Age Transylvania. New Perspectives in Transylvanian Archaeology Session. Theoretical Archaeology Group Conference, S.U.N.Y. at Buffalo (New York, USA).
James, C., K. Flor-Stagnato, E. Cantor, A.J. Osterholtz, A. Gonciar, and Zs. Nyaradi. 2017. The Confusing Case of Grave 42: A Bioarchaeological Analysis. Poster Session: Human Skeletal Biology: Population History and Beyond. 86th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, New Orleans (Louisiana, USA).
Jennifer, S., S. Wallace, A. Gonciar, and Zs. Nyaradi. 2014. The Mysterious Elder: A Bioarchaeology Analysis of Burial 61, at Telekfalva, Harghita, Romania. Poster session. 41st Annual North American Meeting of the Paleopathology Association. Calgary (Canada). Recipient of the Cockburn Student Prize.
Lucas, V., C. Ralston, A.J. Osterholtz, A. Gonciar, and A. Balos. 2017. Sacrifice or Feasting: Fauna Interpretations of the First Iron Age Romanian Commingled Assemblages at Măgura Uroiului. General Session: Mortuary Practices and Funerary Archaeology II. 82nd Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada).
Norman, H., A. Osterholtz, A. Gonciar, and Zs. Nyaradi. 2017. A Case Study of Possible Childhood Illness. Poster Session. 44th Meeting of the Paleopathology Association. New Orleans (Louisiana, USA).
Oltean, R. 2012. Living the Past: An Artist’s Journey through Transylvanian History. Graphic Exhibit. New Perspectives in Transylvanian Archaeology Session. Theoretical Archaeology Group Conference, S.U.N.Y. at Buffalo (New York, USA).
Osterholtz, A.J., J. Bethard, A. Gonciar, and Zs. Nyaradi. 2014. Possible prenatal and perinatal scurvy at Telekfalva, Romania. Poster Session. Bioarchaeology: Childhood, population Dynamics, and Cranial Changes, 83rd Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Calgary (Canada).
Osterholtz, A., V. Lucas, A. Gonciar, and A. Balos. 2016. Mortuary Practices in the First Iron Age Romanian Frontier: The Commingled Assemblages of the Magura Uroiului. Symposium: The Bioarchaeology of Frontier and Borderlands. 81st Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Orlando (Florida, USA).
Peschel, E.M, T.E. Dunn, J. Bethard, Zs. Nyaradi, A. Gonciar, M. Katzenberg, and S.H. Ambrose. 2017. Reconstructing Székely Subsistence: Stable Isotope Evidence for Medieval Diet in Eastern Transylvania. Poster Session: Human Skeletal Biology: Isotopes, Subsistence, and Mobility. 86th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, New Orleans (Louisiana, USA).
Piso, I., and O. Tentea. 2012. From the Desert to the Carpathians: Palmyrenes in Roman Sarmizegetusa, the First Roman Town North of the Danube. New Perspectives in Transylvanian Archaeology Session. Theoretical Archaeology Group Conference, S.U.N.Y. at Buffalo (New York, USA).
Poltorak, D., and S. Cosulet. 2012. Relics of Memory: The Archaeology of Mementoes. New Perspectives in Transylvanian Archaeology Session. Theoretical Archaeology Group Conference, S.U.N.Y. at Buffalo (New York, USA).
Riegert, D., C. Knaub, M. Roffers, A. Gonciar, and Zs. Nyaradi. 2014. A Biocultural Analysis of Infant Burials Interred at Telekfalva. Poster Session. Bioarchaeology in the Old World, Society for American Archaeology Conference, Austin (Texas, USA).
Rotea, M. 2012. Palatca-Togul lui Mândruşcă. A Special Site. New Perspectives in Transylvanian Archaeology Session. Theoretical Archaeology Group Conference, S.U.N.Y. at Buffalo (New York, USA).
Rothwell, J.E., D.W. Hansen, J.D. Bethard, A. Gonciar, and Z. Nyaradi. 2015. Legions of lesions: An examination of the severity and prevalence of dental caries in medieval Bögöz. Poster Session 11: Dental Anthropology: Human and Non-human Primates, 84th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, St. Louis (USA).
Whitlow, R. 2010. Neither Culture nor Group: Alternative Representations of Archaeological Datasets. Representing Reality Conference. S.U.N.Y. at Buffalo IGERT in GIScience/NCGIA (Buffalo, USA).
Whitlow, R. 2011. Eneolithic Geography: Cucuteni-Ariusd Sites and the Carpathian Mountains. Society for American Archaeology Conference, Sacramento (California, USA).
Whitlow, R. 2012.The Structure of Space: Meshing Culture History and Landscape Approaches. Built Environment during the Neolihic in the Eastern Carpathian Mountains. New Perspectives in Transylvanian Archaeology Session. Theoretical Archaeology Group Conference, S.U.N.Y. at Buffalo (New York, USA).
Zejdlik, K., Zs. Nyaradi, R. Sandquist, and A. Gonciar. 2017. Bio-cultural Analysis of an Early 18th Century Noble Family in Transylvania, Romania. Poster Session: Human Skeletal Biology: Population History and Beyond. 86th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, New Orleans (Louisiana, USA).
Conference Presentations and Posters - Romania
Ali Mohammed, A.N., and J.L. Cardona. 2015. A Juvenile Case of Cribra Orbitalia at Marefalva. Third International Student Colloquium on Osteology and Bioarchaeology. Session II: Juvenile Osteology. Haáz Rezső Múzeum, Odorheiu Secuiesc (Harghita, România).
Aliano, A,. and J. Oppenheimer. 2013. Linear Enamel Hypoplasia in Juvenile Remains from Telekfalva/Teleac (Jud. Harghita , România). First International Student Colloquium on Osteology and Bioarchaeology. Session II. Haáz Rezső Múzeum, Odorheiu Secuiesc (Harghita, România).
Andersson, K., and A.M. Logan. 2014. Dental Calculus: A Sample Analysis from the Bögöz Site. Second International Student Colloquium on Osteology and Bioarchaeology. Session I: Adult Osteology. Haáz Rezső Múzeum, Odorheiu Secuiesc (Harghita, România).
Bailey, S., and K. Kuehn. 2015. A Description of a Juvenile Individual from Medieval Transylvania with a Combination of Complex Pathological Conditions. Third International Student Colloquium on Osteology and Bioarchaeology. Session II: Juvenile Osteology. Haáz Rezső Múzeum, Odorheiu Secuiesc (Harghita, România).
Bailey, S., and S. Kondor. 2015. A Possible Case of Rheumatoid Arthritis from Medieval Transylvania. Third International Student Colloquium on Osteology and Bioarchaeology. Session I: Adult Osteology. Haáz Rezső Múzeum, Odorheiu Secuiesc (Harghita, România).
Baird, J., and A.L. Frost. 2014. Bögöz Taphonomy. Second International Student Colloquium on Osteology and Bioarchaeology. Session I: Adult Osteology. Haáz Rezső Múzeum, Odorheiu Secuiesc (Harghita, România).
Benitez, D., and E. Tamura. 2014. Influences on Height and Stature in Medieval Transylvania. Second International Student Colloquium on Osteology and Bioarchaeology. Session I: Adult Osteology. Haáz Rezső Múzeum, Odorheiu Secuiesc (Harghita, România).
Bertrand, T., and S.J. Lester. 2014. Developmental Discrepancies in the Bioarchaeological Record: A Comparison of Dental and Post-Cranial Aging Methods. Second International Student Colloquium on Osteology and Bioarchaeology. Session II. Bioarchaeology of Children. Haáz Rezső Múzeum, Odorheiu Secuiesc (Harghita, România).
Bethard, J. 2013. Introductory remarks. First International Student Colloquium on Osteology and Bioarchaeology. Session I and II. Haáz Rezső Múzeum, Odorheiu Secuiesc (Harghita, România).
Bethard, J. 2013. Concluding Remarks. First International Student Colloquium on Osteology and Bioarchaeology. Session I and II. Haáz Rezső Múzeum, Odorheiu Secuiesc (Harghita, România).
Bethard, J. 2014. Concluding Remarks – Bioarchaeology of Children. Second International Student Colloquium on Osteology and Bioarchaeology. Session II. Bioarchaeology of Children. Haáz Rezső Múzeum, Odorheiu Secuiesc (Harghita, România).
Bethard, J. 2014. Concluding Remarks - Osteology Session. Second International Student Colloquium on Osteology and Bioarchaeology. Session I. Haáz Rezső Múzeum, Odorheiu Secuiesc (Harghita, România).
Bethard, J. 2014. Welcome and Introduction – Bioarchaeology of Children. Second International Student Colloquium on Osteology and Bioarchaeology. Session II. Bioarchaeology of Children. Haáz Rezső Múzeum, Odorheiu Secuiesc (Harghita, România).
Bethard, J. 2014. Welcome and Introduction - Osteology Session. Second International Student Colloquium on Osteology and Bioarchaeology. Session I. Haáz Rezső Múzeum, Odorheiu Secuiesc (Harghita, România).
Bethard, J. 2015. Concluding Remarks. Third International Student Colloquium on Osteology and Bioarchaeology. Session I: Adult Osteology. Haáz Rezső Múzeum, Odorheiu Secuiesc (Harghita, România).
Bethard, J. 2015. Welcome and Introduction. Third International Student Colloquium on Osteology and Bioarchaeology. Session I: Adult Osteology. Haáz Rezső Múzeum, Odorheiu Secuiesc (Harghita, România).
Bethard, J., A. Gonciar, and Zs. Nyaradi (Colloquium Organizers). 2013. First International Student Colloquium on Osteology and Bioarchaeology. Session I and II. Haáz Rezső Múzeum, Odorheiu Secuiesc (Harghita, România).
Bethard, J., A. Gonciar, and Zs. Nyaradi (Colloquium Organizers). 2014. Second International Student Colloquium on Osteology and Bioarchaeology. Session I: Adult Osteology and II: Juvenile Osteology. Haáz Rezső Múzeum, Odorheiu Secuiesc (Harghita, România).
Bethard, J., A. Gonciar, and Zs. Nyaradi (Colloquium Organizers). 2015. Third International Student Colloquium on Osteology and Bioarchaeology. Session I: Adult Osteology and II: Juvenile Osteology. Haáz Rezső Múzeum, Odorheiu Secuiesc (Harghita, România).
Berger, E., and P. Mollard. 2013. Changing Trends in Human Mortality. First International Student Colloquium on Osteology and Bioarchaeology. Session II. Haáz Rezső Múzeum, Odorheiu Secuiesc (Harghita, România).
Besinger, P., H.M. Pageau, and R. Wineinger. 2014. Stress in Transylvania: The Prevalence of Linear Enamel Hypoplasias Among Juveniles in Bögöz and Telekfalva. Second International Student Colloquium on Osteology and Bioarchaeology. Session II. Bioarchaeology of Children. Haáz Rezső Múzeum, Odorheiu Secuiesc (Harghita, România).
Bingham, H., and L. Nemo. 2014. A Case of Diffuse Idiopathic Skeletal Hyperostosis (DISH) from a Medieval Church in Harghita County, Romania. Second International Student Colloquium on Osteology and Bioarchaeology. Session I. Haáz Rezső Múzeum, Odorheiu Secuiesc (Harghita, România).
Burke, J., and M.T. Shelley. 2014. Periosteal Paradigms: Seeing what isn't there. Second International Student Colloquium on Osteology and Bioarchaeology. Session II. Bioarchaeology of Children. Haáz Rezső Múzeum, Odorheiu Secuiesc (Harghita, România).
Burnett, L., and K. Smith. 2014. Evidence of Pathology in Bögöz. Second International Student Colloquium on Osteology and Bioarchaeology. Session I: Adult Osteology. Haáz Rezső Múzeum, Odorheiu Secuiesc (Harghita, România).
Cates, V.A., and C. J. Hennessey. 2013. Age-at-death estimation in the children of Telekfalva/Teleac (Jud. Harghita , România). First International Student Colloquium on Osteology and Bioarchaeology. Session I. Haáz Rezső Múzeum, Odorheiu Secuiesc (Harghita, România).
Cates, V. A., and J. Stuck. 2013. Coffins, Coin, and Crowns: Differential Burial Treatment of Infants. First International Student Colloquium on Osteology and Bioarchaeology. Session II. Haáz Rezső Múzeum, Odorheiu Secuiesc (Harghita, România).
Ciera Lamb, C., and B. Horlick-Cruz. 2014. Biocultural Evidence of Social Stratification in Human Skeletal Remains Excavated from Bögöz Reformed Church, Bögöz, Romania. Second International Student Colloquium on Osteology and Bioarchaeology. Session I: Juvenile Osteology. Haáz Rezső Múzeum, Odorheiu Secuiesc (Harghita, România).
Clemmons, C.M.J., and M. Tegtmeyer. 2015. If Age is just a Number, then what’s the Problem? Third International Student Colloquium on Osteology and Bioarchaeology. Session II: Juvenile Osteology. Haáz Rezső Múzeum, Odorheiu Secuiesc (Harghita, România).
Conrad, T., D. Goldstein, and E. Manella. 2014 Dental Wear and Age Estimation. Second International Student Colloquium on Osteology and Bioarchaeology. Session I: Adult Osteology. Haáz Rezső Múzeum, Odorheiu Secuiesc (Harghita, România).
Dahl, E.C., and S.C. Sanders. 2015. An Examination of Two Calcified Biological Objects. Third International Student Colloquium on Osteology and Bioarchaeology. Session I: Adult Osteology. Haáz Rezső Múzeum, Odorheiu Secuiesc (Harghita, România).
DeCouto, C., R. Ebanks, and C. Ralston. 2015. Minimum Number of Individuals (MNI), Feasting, Screening. Oh My! Third International Student Colloquium on Osteology and Bioarchaeology. Session III: Commingled Remains. Museum of Dacian and Roman Civilizations, Rapoltu Mare (Hunedoara, România).
DeCouto, C., and K. Kuehn. 2015. Pálinka from Plums: Fun with Taphonomy. Third International Student Colloquium on Osteology and Bioarchaeology. Session I: Adult Osteology. Haáz Rezső Múzeum, Odorheiu Secuiesc (Harghita, România).
Dunn, F.E., and A.C. Halaburda. 2015. Sex Estimation of the Postcranial Skeleton in Adult Humans. Third International Student Colloquium on Osteology and Bioarchaeology. Session I: Adult Osteology. Haáz Rezső Múzeum, Odorheiu Secuiesc (Harghita, România).
Eck, C., and A. Getler. 2015. An Example of a Physiological Stress Event using Linear Enamel Hypoplasia and the Delay of Cervical Vertebrae Maturation. Third International Student Colloquium on Osteology and Bioarchaeology. Session II: Juvenile Osteology. Haáz Rezső Múzeum, Odorheiu Secuiesc (Harghita, România).
Epelman, A.C., and K. Neale. 2014. Possible Evidence of Scurvy in Perinatal and Postnatal Remains from Bögöz, Transylvania. Second International Student Colloquium on Osteology and Bioarchaeology. Session II. Bioarchaeology of Children. Haáz Rezső Múzeum, Odorheiu Secuiesc (Harghita, România).
Erofeev, T., and L. Holfeltz. 2013. Deceased Infants and Ill Mothers: Investigating Maternal and Fetal Health through Stable Isotope Analysis. First International Student Colloquium on Osteology and Bioarchaeology. Session II. Haáz Rezső Múzeum, Odorheiu Secuiesc (Harghita, România).
Flor-Stagnato, K., and K. Gustavson. 2013. Sír 67 (Grave 67): A report of paleopathologies at Telekfalva/Teleac (Jud. Harghita , România). First International Student Colloquium on Osteology and Bioarchaeology. Session I. Haáz Rezső Múzeum, Odorheiu Secuiesc (Harghita, România).
Gloux, S., and A. Gonciar. 2010. Resturi umane fragmentare din epoca bronzului tarziu:metodologie aplicata / Late Bronze Age Fragmented Human Remains: Applied Methodology. Simpozion Archaeomet: National Symposium of Archaeometry. Bucuresti (Romania).
Gonciar, A., A. Georgescu, and C. Munteanu. 2005. Death and Ritual in the Noua Culture: a New Discovery in Valea Viilor, Sibiu, Romania. The Seventh International Symposium of Funeral Archaeology, University Lucian Blaga (Sibiu, Romania).
Gray, C., and K. Rock. 2013. Taphonomy and preservation at Telekfalva/Teleac (Jud. Harghita , România). First International Student Colloquium on Osteology and Bioarchaeology. Session I. Haáz Rezső Múzeum, Odorheiu Secuiesc (Harghita, România).
Ham, A., and S. Ex. 2013. Cranial Trauma in Bioarchaeology. First International Student Colloquium on Osteology and Bioarchaeology. Session II. Haáz Rezső Múzeum, Odorheiu Secuiesc (Harghita, România).
Hansen, D., and J. Rothwell. 2014. Legions of Lesions: An Examination of the Severity and Prevalence of Dental Caries in Medieval Bögöz. Second International Student Colloquium on Osteology and Bioarchaeology. Session I: Adult Osteology. Haáz Rezső Múzeum, Odorheiu Secuiesc (Harghita, România).
Haydel, E., and H.I. Boswell. 2014. Taphonomic Effects on the Bögöz Burials and the Bioarchaeological Record. Second International Student Colloquium on Osteology and Bioarchaeology. Session II. Bioarchaeology of Children. Haáz Rezső Múzeum, Odorheiu Secuiesc (Harghita, România).
Heller, R.M., and C. Monet Miller. 2015. Paying the Way: Infant Coin Burials in Transylvania. Third International Student Colloquium on Osteology and Bioarchaeology. Session II: Juvenile Osteology. Haáz Rezső Múzeum, Odorheiu Secuiesc (Harghita, România).
Holley, R., and P. Morrison. 2013. The woman with the green hand: a case study of mineral staining. First International Student Colloquium on Osteology and Bioarchaeology. Session I. Haáz Rezső Múzeum, Odorheiu Secuiesc (Harghita, România).
Horlick-Cruz, B.K., and P. Yapp. 2014. Contemporary Issues in Paleodemography and Three Medieval Cemeteries in Transylvania: A Case Study. Second International Student Colloquium on Osteology and Bioarchaeology. Session II. Bioarchaeology of Children. Haáz Rezső Múzeum, Odorheiu Secuiesc (Harghita, România).
Jacobson, N., and C. Knaub. 2013. Differential grave orientation within the church at Telekfalva/Teleac (Jud. Harghita , România). First International Student Colloquium on Osteology and Bioarchaeology. Session I. Haáz Rezső Múzeum, Odorheiu Secuiesc (Harghita, România).
Kelly, E., and C. Monet Miller. 2015. Patinas of the Past: Exploring Cultural Factors of Taphonomic Staining in a Medieval Churchyard at Bögöz, Romania. Third International Student Colloquium on Osteology and Bioarchaeology. Session I: Adult Osteology. Haáz Rezső Múzeum, Odorheiu Secuiesc (Harghita, România).
Lai Hipp, J., and A. Mackey Iliff. 2015. Commingled Human Remains. Third International Student Colloquium on Osteology and Bioarchaeology. Session I: Adult Osteology. Haáz Rezső Múzeum, Odorheiu Secuiesc (Harghita, România).
Lester, S.J., and G. Köcher. 2014. Long Bone Asymmetry: Implications for Bioarchaeological Research. Second International Student Colloquium on Osteology and Bioarchaeology. Session I: Adult Osteology. Haáz Rezső Múzeum, Odorheiu Secuiesc (Harghita, România).
Lovett, S., K. Phillips, and A. Jones. 2013. Bronze Age Burial and Mortuary Practices in Europe. First International Student Colloquium on Osteology and Bioarchaeology. Session II. Haáz Rezső Múzeum, Odorheiu Secuiesc (Harghita, România).
Lu, M., and H. Norman. 2015. Commingled Analysis of Magura Uroiului Assemblage 2006.S6.M3. Third International Student Colloquium on Osteology and Bioarchaeology. Session III: Commingled Remains. Museum of Dacian and Roman Civilizations, Rapoltu Mare (Hunedoara, România).
Marshall, G., and M. Meroney. 2014. Infected from within: an overview of juvenile osteomyelitis at Bögöz. Second International Student Colloquium on Osteology and Bioarchaeology. Session II. Bioarchaeology of Children. Haáz Rezső Múzeum, Odorheiu Secuiesc (Harghita, România).
Martivold, K., and M. Parkinson. 2013. Infant burials at Telekfalva/Teleac (Jud. Harghita , România): possible signs of nutritional stress. First International Student Colloquium on Osteology and Bioarchaeology. Session I. Haáz Rezső Múzeum, Odorheiu Secuiesc (Harghita, România).
McLeod, N., and S. Wallace. 2013. The bioarchaeology of children. First International Student Colloquium on Osteology and Bioarchaeology. Session I. Haáz Rezső Múzeum, Odorheiu Secuiesc (Harghita, România).
McWhirter, Z., and E. Sexton. 2013. Under the floorboards: burial practices in the Middle Ages. First International Student Colloquium on Osteology and Bioarchaeology. Session I. Haáz Rezső Múzeum, Odorheiu Secuiesc (Harghita, România).
Molvik, H., and C. Thomas. 2013. Sex Determination by DNA Analysis. First International Student Colloquium on Osteology and Bioarchaeology. Session II. Haáz Rezső Múzeum, Odorheiu Secuiesc (Harghita, România).
Mowrer, A., and T. Travers. 2013. Teeth as Tools. First International Student Colloquium on Osteology and Bioarchaeology. Session II. Haáz Rezső Múzeum, Odorheiu Secuiesc (Harghita, România).
Osterholtz, A., V. Lucas, A. Gonciar, and A. Balos (Colloquium Organizers). 2015. Third International Student Colloquium on Osteology and Bioarchaeology. Session III: Commingled Remains. Museum of Dacian and Roman Civilization, Rapoltu Mare (Hunedoara, România).
Osterholtz, A., and V. Lucas. 2015. Introduction. Third International Student Colloquium on Osteology and Bioarchaeology. Session III: Commingled Remains. Museum of Dacian and Roman Civilizations, Rapoltu Mare (Hunedoara, România).
Osterholtz, A., and V. Lucas. 2015. Summing Up: Commingled Remains from Magura Uroiului. Third International Student Colloquium on Osteology and Bioarchaeology. Session III: Commingled Remains. Museum of Dacian and Roman Civilizations, Rapoltu Mare (Hunedoara, România).
Parent, M., and B.C. Cleary. 2015. Developmental Defects – A Two Part Case Study. Third International Student Colloquium on Osteology and Bioarchaeology. Session I: Adult Osteology. Haáz Rezső Múzeum, Odorheiu Secuiesc (Harghita, România).
Peschel, E. 2015. Introduction. Third International Student Colloquium on Osteology and Bioarchaeology. Session II: Juvenile Osteology. Haáz Rezső Múzeum, Odorheiu Secuiesc (Harghita, România).
Peschel, E. 2015. Concluding Remarks. Third International Student Colloquium on Osteology and Bioarchaeology. Session II: Juvenile Osteology. Haáz Rezső Múzeum, Odorheiu Secuiesc (Harghita, România).
Poltorak, D., and S. Cosulet, 2010. Prospectie intensive prin metoda fosfatilor în zona Castrum Cumidava, Râsnov / Intensive Survey by Phosphate Testing around Castrum Cumidava, Râsnov. Simpozion Archaeomet: National Symposium of Archaeometry. Bucuresti (Romania).
Riegert, D.A., and M. Roffers. 2013. Identity of juveniles: Telekfalva/Teleac (Jud. Harghita , România) children and social identity over a life course. First International Student Colloquium on Osteology and Bioarchaeology. Session I. Haáz Rezső Múzeum, Odorheiu Secuiesc (Harghita, România).
Rock, K. 2013. 3D Attempts at Sex Estimation in Juvenile Remains. First International Student Colloquium on Osteology and Bioarchaeology. Session II. Haáz Rezső Múzeum, Odorheiu Secuiesc (Harghita, România).
Schroeder, K.M., and R.R. Badua. 2015. Shattered Bone: A Case Study of Skeletal Trauma and Reparation. Third International Student Colloquium on Osteology and Bioarchaeology. Session I: Adult Osteology. Haáz Rezső Múzeum, Odorheiu Secuiesc (Harghita, România).
Sierra S. Cotrona, S.S., and E.C. Juve. 2015. Spondylosis: A Brief Osteobiography Assessing the Effects of Manual. Third International Student Colloquium on Osteology and Bioarchaeology. Session I: Adult Osteology. Haáz Rezső Múzeum, Odorheiu Secuiesc (Harghita, România).
Smith, M., and C. Zuelsdorf. 2015. Assessment of Both Myositis Ossificans and Abnormalities in Dentition of Juvenile Remains at the Sites of Telekfalva and Bögöz in Transylvania. Third International Student Colloquium on Osteology and Bioarchaeology. Session II: Juvenile Osteology. Haáz Rezső Múzeum, Odorheiu Secuiesc (Harghita, România).
Spake, L., and M. Covarrubias. 2013. Small Bones, Big Problems: Pathology at Telekfalva/Teleac (Jud. Harghita , România). First International Student Colloquium on Osteology and Bioarchaeology. Session II. Haáz Rezső Múzeum, Odorheiu Secuiesc (Harghita, România).
Whitlow, R., V. Kavruk, and D. Buzea. 2010. The Potential of Geographic Information Systems for Archaeological Excavations. Simpozion Archaeomet: Simpozionul Naţional de Arheometrie/ National Symposium of Archaeometry. Bucuresti (Romania).
White, M.R., and A.V. Coke. 2015. Cranial Vault Thickening: Cranial Hyperostosis in a Bögöz Burial. Third International Student Colloquium on Osteology and Bioarchaeology. Session I: Adult Osteology. Haáz Rezső Múzeum, Odorheiu Secuiesc (Harghita, România).
White, M.R., and T. Day. 2015. Grave 53: a Potential Case of Osteomyelitis in a Non-Adult from Bögöz. Third International Student Colloquium on Osteology and Bioarchaeology. Session II: Juvenile Osteology. Haáz Rezső Múzeum, Odorheiu Secuiesc (Harghita, România).
Windass, M., and C. Hinson. 2015. Analysis and Interpretation of Assemblage 2006.S6.M2. Third International Student Colloquium on Osteology and Bioarchaeology. Session III: Commingled Remains. Museum of Dacian and Roman Civilizations, Rapoltu Mare (Hunedoara, România).
Official Excavation Reports
Here are the official excavation reports of projects ArchaeoTek was/is involved with, as published by the Romanian Ministry of Culture on CIMEC, one of its dedicated web sites. The reports presented here have been submitted by our Romanian research partners and published in the Chronicles of Archaeological Research (Cronica Cercetarilor Arheologice - CCA). Although all the reports are published in Romanian, some of them have abstracts in English or French.
CCA 2001 - 118. Miercurea Sibiului, com. Miercurea Sibiului, jud. Sibiu, Punct: Petriş
CCA 2002 - 116. Hunedoara, jud. Hunedoara Punct: Grădina Castelului
CCA 2002 - 142. Miercurea Sibiului, com. Miercurea Sibiului, jud. Sibiu Punct: Petriş
CCA 2002 - 143. Miercurea Sibiului - Apoldu de Jos Punct: Gorgoane
CCA 2002 - 148. Munţii Poiana Ruscă (survey)
CCA 2004 - 127. Moşna, com. Moşna, jud. Sibiu Punct: Râpă (Tablă)
CCA 2007 - 193. Tilişca, com. Tilişca, jud. Sibiu Punct: Dealul Căţănaş
CCA 2008 - 73. Hălmeag, com. Şercaia, jud. Braşov Punct: Valea Mâţii
CCA 2009 - 69. Racoşul de Jos, com. Racoş, jud. Braşov Punct: Piatra Detunată (Durduia)
CCA 2010 - 59. Racoşu de Jos, com. Racoş, jud. Braşov Punct: Piatra Detunată (Durduia)
CCA 2011 - 51. Racoşu de Jos, com. Racoş, jud. Braşov Punct: Piatra Detunată (Durduia)
CCA 2011 - 68. Şoimeni, com. Păuleni-Ciuc, jud. Harghita Punct: Dâmbul Cetăţii
CCA 2011 - 56. Râşnov, judeţul Braşov (Cumidava) Punct: Grădişte - Erdenburg
CCA 2012 - 61. Racoşu de Jos, com. Racoş, jud. Braşov Punct: Piatra Detunată (Durduia)
CCA 2012 - 65. Râşnov, judeţul Braşov (Cumidava) Punct: Grădişte - Erdenburg
CCA 2012 - 77. Şoimeni, com. Păuleni-Ciuc, jud. Harghita Punct: Dâmbul Cetăţii
CCA 2013 - 53. Racoşu de Jos, com. Racoş, jud. Braşov Punct: Piatra Detunată (Durduia)
CCA 2013 - 97. Râşnov, judeţul Braşov (Cumidava) Punct: Grădişte - Erdenburg
The CCA 2014, related to the 2013 campaign, is only available in downloadable PDF format
CCA 2014 - 71 (pp. 110-113). Racoşu de Jos, com. Racoş, jud. Braşov, Punct: Piatra Detunată (Durduia)
CCA 2014 - 72 (pp. 113-114). Râşnov, jud. Braşov Punct: Grădişte - Erdenburg (Castrum Cumidava)
The CCA 2015, related to the 2014 campaign, is only available in downloadable PDF format
CCA 2015 - 33 (pp. 62 -63). Râşnov, jud. Braşov, Punct: Grădişte - Erdenburg (Castrum Cumidava)
CCA 2015 - 66 (pp. 121-122) Rapoltu Mare, jud. Hunedoara, Punct: La Vie
CCA 2015 - 86 (pp. 147-149). Sarmizegetusa, jud. Hunedoara, Punct: Ulpia Traiana Sarmizegetusa
The CCA 2016, related to the 2015 campaign, is only available in downloadable PDF format
CCA 2016 - 37 (pp. 67-68) Rapoltu Mare, jud. Hunedoara, Punct: La Vie
CCA 2016 - 38 (pp. 68-69). Râşnov, jud. Braşov, Punct: Grădişte - Erdenburg (Castrum Cumidava)